About the Conferences and Cobra

As soon as I posted about the conferences, some amazing synchronicities happened along with a strong reaction and attacks from the Cabal.

Apart from that, people  also had many questions and concerns and I will address those in this post.

All information from the conferences will be given freely after the conferences through posts in this blog. We are also working on creating an audio webinar for at least some conferences to be available also. 

The conferences are meant for those who wish to dedicate themselves more fully to the planetary liberation process and are also willing to put a considerable amount of energy into it.
The purpose of the non-disclosure agreements is only to protect my identity. Intel given at the conferences is not included in non-disclosure agreement and is to be shared and distributed freely.

There have been again some extremely hateful comments in my blog and I had to close the comment section again. Some people reacted extremely violently when I deleted their comments, saying  "Cobra deletes anything that incriminates him, and the emails have been forwarded to my brother who is a serious fraud officer with the Metropolitan police." This is my private blog and I can delete anything I want, and why some people go ballistic about that is beyond my understanding. As I understand free speech, they can spill their hatred elsewhere and I can shape my blog in any way I want to, including deleting their comments.

Few courses of action remain open. Shall I leave all comments open in the name of »freedom of speech« to let some pople spill poison and threats here, posting comments with hatred and a purpose of destroying my work? Shall I keep deleting negative comments? To tell you the truth, I am tired of doing that as I have more important work to do. Shall I block the comments altogether? I am open to suggestions.

I would like people to learn non-violent communication. Those that would like to »expose me as a scam«  are free to do so in their own blog and on other websites, but not here. For your information, if I deleted a comment, all replies to that comment were deleted automatically by Blogger. Also, my Blogger account has been broken into a few times and many times comments were deleted without my approval. People need to learn patience. I WILL address their concerns, but it may take a few days as I have an overload of work to do. 

I will however address here some concerns that pople might have that are at the core of those hateful comments. 

There has been a certain indvidual posting here, wanting to ruin and destroy my work. If he is of the Light, why does he want to destroy something beautiful? If he belongs to the Cabal, his actions are obvious. He is among those people that are violently against the conferences, saying that this is a scam taking other people's money. Are David Wilcock's conferences also a scam? And conferences of countless other dedicated Lightworkers around the world? Here nobody has been »tricked« or »forced« into buying a ticket. If anybody wants a refund, it will be gladly given.

There have been many speculations about my identity. Some people think I am Lady Dragon, some people think I am Ishtar Antares and there are wide speculations as to where I am coming from, ranging from China to Europe and South America.

I know both lady Dragon and Ishtar Antares and they are both good people. There is a lot of disinformation about the two circulating in the blogosphere. Lady Dragon has not been »arrested« and is not on »meth« as some people think. I actually spoke to her a week ago as she came back from a vacation. Ishtar Antares is not a »scammer that wants your ascended money«, nor is he »taking advantage from women mostly for sex« as it is written on a notorious disinfo site of the Former White Hat. As you probably know, money and sex related accusations are a standard tactic of the Cabal when it wants to discredit someone. I am in constant contact with Ishtar and he is very honest in his business dealings and one of the most sincere people towards women that I know. He graciously allowed me to use some of his intel for posts in my blog. He has written a book and I use some of intel from that book. Although most of that book is channeled material and I don't agree with all of it, it is of a very high quality and I would recommend it. You can order his book here:

It is also worth noticing that Former White hat sent threatening mails to both Lady Dragon and Ishtar Antares, stating that »If you wish to avoid further revealing about you, your past and family, you will back down from this silly Cobra bullshit. You will denunce on your website Drake as a fraud and insane old man who has been making everything up. Okay? FW Hat«

Drake is not a fraud, he is a good man fighting for the liberation of this planet. So is Benjamin Fulford, so is David Wilcock, so am I and so are many others. I don't agree totally with Drake and Wilcock, but I would support their fight for freedom with all my heart. I would suggest that all sincere people working towards the planetary liberation start supporting each other despite all personal differences and stop with personal attacks.  

And again, the link to conferences is here:

And you can register here:


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